The primary focus for Integrator 8 is microbial infection and the liver meridian and its associations. The Infoceutical helps to optimise energy flow along this pathway and to all the components that are contained within it, helping to clear and correct any energy blocks and incoherent messages along the way.
Energetic Links - Keynotes
Microbial infection
Vision; eye conditions.
Hormonal components, including oestrogens.
Emotions: compassion, arrogance, tolerance, calmness, elation. This compartment influences calmness and tolerance, or a lack of these qualities.
Microbes. This Integrator can hold pleomorphic micro-organisms – organisms that can alter their appearance in response to environmental conditions or the “terrain” within the body. In NES, the Energetic Terrains are specific tissue fields. When they are damaged they may become susceptible to infection by particular bugs. An energetically distorted terrain may in fact attract a particular infection in order to stimulate healing and cleansing from the body’s immune system. All energetic terrains link with Integrator 8 and the Infoceutical may be used to help clear amoebic parasites, Candida, fungi, mycoplasma and various viral and bacterial infections. NES also finds a link with miasms, which, in homeopathic theory, are inheritable disease patterns or, we could say, inheritable genetic field errors that carry the picture of an illness (causing a weakness or vulnerability somewhere in the body). We can perhaps view environmental toxins in a similar way, which also cause energetic field errors that are able to distort the information within the DNA and be inheritable.
Liver. The liver plays an important role in clearing infection as well as environmental toxicity. All the structures that are contained within this energy compartment, including the eyes, myocardium, liver and sinuses may be more prone to gathering infection and toxicity. This Integrator is particularly vulnerable to the effects of geopathic stress and electromagnetic fields (e-smog), which the Infoceutical can help to address.
Liver Meridian. The liver meridian begins on the inside of the big toenail, rises up the inside of the legs and thigh. Here it circulates around the groin and sex organs before continuing up to the abdomen, connecting with the stomach, liver, gallbladder and diaphragm. It dips into the chest, runs up through the throat and into the eye, ending at the crown of the head. A branch circles the mouth. From within the liver, another internal branch reaches the lung. The hypothalamus, responsible for hormone regulation is found in this energy compartment. There is a particular match to the hormones calcitonin, adrenaline, prolactin, oestrogen and oestrone and the Infoceutical may be beneficial with hormonal regulation generally.
Emotions. The liver is responsible for keeping everything running smoothly, not just regulating all the chemicals in the body, but also the thoughts and feelings too. This requires planning and this is how the liver is viewed in TCM, as a master planner, working with the gallbladder to make creative plans and decisions come to fruition. It is also seen as a source of happiness. To have a happy life is to live life with purpose, fulfilling spiritual and personal goals. Even the best laid plans can go astray and we need to be able to remain calm in a crisis and go with the flow when life throws us a curve ball. It’s the difference between maintaining a cheerful, happy-go-luck attitude to one tainted with feelings of frustration, irritability and intolerance. There may be too much planning of course, and a tendency to boss others. Vision problems can stem from an imbalance in the liver meridian. Here we see the link with the liver and creative vision and insight. The liver, like the gallbladder, is damaged by feelings of anger and frustration. Some of the positive emotional attributes include compassion, kindness, tolerance and elation. Some of the negative attributes include anger, irritability, frustration, resentment, intolerance and impatience. The Infoceutical can help to engender happy, creative and flowing emotions.
Elements: chromium
Damaged by: fungi, candida, mycoplasma.
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This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.