Adenosyl Cobalamin

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Adenosyl Cobalamin Background

Adenosylcobalamin, also known as coenzyme B12, is a biologically active form of vitamin B12 discovered in 1948[1].

Its complex structure, containing a ring-contracted porphinoid with a cobalt ion at the center, was elucidated by Dorothy Hodgkin using X-ray crystallography[1].

The biosynthesis of adenosylcobalamin involves a intricate pathway starting from uroporphyrinogen III, with major breakthroughs in understanding its synthesis occurring in the early 1990s through the application of molecular genetics[1].

Adenosylcobalamin serves as a cofactor for a small group of enzymes that catalyze unusual rearrangement or elimination reactions involving the interchange of a hydrogen atom on one carbon with an electron-withdrawing group on an adjacent carbon[5].

Adenosyl Cobalamin Systemic Applications

Adenosylcobalamin demonstrates versatility in systemic applications, ranging from treating chronic fatigue and exhaustion to addressing muscle weakness[2].

It has shown efficacy in ameliorating weight loss, anorexia, fibromyalgia, liver damage, and hepatitis[2].

Adenosylcobalamin plays a crucial role in the synthesis of DNA, myelin, and fatty acids, which are vital for cell division and growth[6].

Its ability to act as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions makes it essential for various metabolic processes in the body[6].

Adenosyl Cobalamin for Brain and Cognition

Recent animal studies have shown that adenosylcobalamin uniquely protects brain neurons and prevents a decline in dopamine levels, potentially blocking neurodegeneration[3].

In experiments with worms carrying a mutation linked to Parkinson's disease, adenosylcobalamin treatment as larvae enabled normal movement as adults[3].

Studies in mice demonstrated that adenosylcobalamin treatment could prevent dopamine loss, brain cell depletion, and neurotoxicity[3].

These findings suggest that adenosylcobalamin could have significant implications for treating neurodegenerative diseases and maintaining cognitive function[3].

Adenosyl Cobalamin for Eye and Vision

While the search results do not provide specific information on adenosylcobalamin's effects on eye and vision, vitamin B12 in general has been shown to have significant benefits for eye health.

Methylcobalamin, another form of vitamin B12, has been found to support the functionality of optic nerves and maintain the myelin sheath around nerve fibers, including those of the optic nerve[4].

Long-term oral administration of methylcobalamin has been effective in maintaining visual field function in normal tension glaucoma patients[4].

Given that adenosylcobalamin is also a biologically active form of vitamin B12, it may share some of these benefits for eye health, though further research is needed to confirm this.

Relevant quotes:

"Adenosylcobalamin uniquely protects brain neurons, prevents a decline in dopamine levels, and may block neurodegeneration." - Life Extension[3]

Relevant NCBI article quotes:

"Adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme B12) serves as the cofactor for a group of enzymes that catalyze unusual rearrangement or elimination reactions." - From "Adenosylcobalamin enzymes: Theory and experiment begin to converge" (

"Cobalamin consists of four compounds with different biological functions, although these molecules are chemically similar." - From "Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) - StatPearls" (

Functions supported or stimulated:

1. DNA synthesis[6]

2. Myelin synthesis[6]

3. Fatty acid synthesis[6]

4. Neuroprotection[3]

5. Dopamine regulation[3]

Related benefits:

1. Improved cognitive function[3]

2. Potential treatment for neurodegenerative diseases[3]

3. Alleviation of chronic fatigue and exhaustion[2]

4. Support for liver health[2]

5. Potential benefits for eye health (based on general vitamin B12 effects)[4]

Suggested daily human dosage ranges:

500 mcg of adenosylcobalamin[3]

Source Information:

Adenosylcobalamin is not derived from a specific plant source but is synthesized through complex biochemical pathways in certain bacteria[1].










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