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ALCAR Background

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is a naturally occurring compound found in the human body, derived from the amino acids lysine and methionine[1].

Its discovery and subsequent research have revealed its crucial role in cellular energy production and neuroprotection[1].

ALCAR functions as a shuttle transport for fatty acids through cell membranes into mitochondria, assisting with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis[4].

Over the years, extensive research has uncovered ALCAR's potential in treating various neurological and metabolic disorders, making it a subject of significant scientific interest[1][2].

ALCAR Systemic Applications

ALCAR demonstrates remarkable versatility in systemic applications, ranging from enhancing athletic performance to supporting cardiovascular health[2].

It has shown efficacy in ameliorating metabolic imbalances in many inborn errors of metabolism[1].

ALCAR plays a vital role in liver health, supporting optimal liver function and metabolism[2].

Its ability to act as an osmolyte helps regulate cellular volume and protect cells against various forms of stress, including oxidative stress[1].

ALCAR for Brain and Cognition

ALCAR has shown promising effects on cognitive function, particularly in enhancing memory and learning abilities in older adults[2].

Studies suggest that ALCAR supplementation can improve memory in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and alleviate chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairments[2].

Research indicates that ALCAR may have neuroprotective properties, potentially slowing cognitive decline in conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia[2][8].

ALCAR has been found to increase nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain, which is crucial for neuronal growth and survival[2].

ALCAR for Eye and Vision

In patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), acetyl-L-carnitine improved four parameters of visual function, including visual field mean defect, visual acuity, foveal sensitivity and ocular fundus alterations.

Source: The aging eye and the role of L-carnitine and its derivatives

ALCAR's role in cellular energy production and neuroprotection may have benefits for ocular health[1].

ALCAR's ability to support mitochondrial function and protect against oxidative stress could benefit the energy-demanding cells of the retina and other ocular tissues[1].

Relevant quotes:

"ALCAR supplementation improved memory in older adults, specifically those with mild cognitive impairment." - Optimal Living Dynamics[2]

"ALCAR has documented neuroprotective effects and is also sold as a dietary supplement." - PMC[1]

Relevant NCBI article quotes:

"L-carnitine and ALCAR can improve energy status, decrease oxidative stress and prevent subsequent cell death in models of adult, neonatal and pediatric brain injury." - From "L-Carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine roles and neuroprotection in developing brain" (

"Several studies explored the effects of acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) in dementia, suggesting a role in slowing down cognitive decline." - From "Acetyl-L-Carnitine in Dementia and Other Cognitive Disorders" (

Functions supported or stimulated:

1. Fatty acid oxidation[1]

2. Mitochondrial function[1]

3. Cellular energy production[1]

4. Neuroprotection[1][2]

5. Acetylcholine synthesis[2]

Related benefits:

1. Improved cognitive function and memory[2]

2. Enhanced athletic performance[2]

3. Potential treatment for neurodegenerative diseases[2][8]

4. Support for cardiovascular health[2]

5. Cellular stress protection[1]

Source Information:

ALCAR is not derived from a specific plant source but is synthesized in the body from amino acids lysine and methionine[1].










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