Centrophenoxine Background
Centrophenoxine, also known as meclofenoxate or Lucidril, was developed in 1959 at the French National Scientific Research Center[1].
It is a compound of two biochemicals: dimethyl-aminoethanol (DMAE) and parachlorphenoxyacetic acid (PCPA)[1].
DMAE is naturally found in foods, especially fish, while PCPA is a synthetic version of plant growth hormones called "auxins"[1].
Centrophenoxine was initially developed as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease and other age-related cognitive disorders, but has since gained popularity as a nootropic supplement[4].
Centrophenoxine Systemic Applications
Centrophenoxine has shown beneficial therapeutic effects in various human disorders such as cerebral atrophy, brain injury, post-stroke conditions, chronic alcoholism, and barbiturate intoxication[1].
It has demonstrated efficacy in reducing lipofuscin levels, a "garbage residue" that accumulates in cells over time and can impair cellular function[2].
Centrophenoxine has also been studied for its potential cardiovascular benefits, with animal studies showing decreased lipofuscin size and levels in the myocardium[5].
Its ability to enhance cellular function and reduce age-related cellular waste makes it a promising compound for systemic health improvement[2].
Centrophenoxine for Brain and Cognition
Centrophenoxine has shown promising effects on cognitive function, particularly in enhancing memory and learning abilities in older adults[1].
A double-blind study of 50 elderly patients with medium-level dementia found that centrophenoxine produced significantly greater memory improvement than placebo, based on 6 memory tests[1].
Research indicates that centrophenoxine may improve the ability to transfer new information into secondary memory and increase alertness and feelings of well-being in subjects[1].
It has also demonstrated potential in treating tardive dyskinesia, with small pilot studies showing a drastic reduction (60-90%) of dyskinetic movements in about 2/3 of patients[1].
Centrophenoxine for Eye and Vision
While the search results do not provide specific information on centrophenoxine's direct effects on eye and vision health, its role in reducing lipofuscin accumulation may have potential benefits for ocular health[2].
Lipofuscin accumulation in the retinal pigment epithelium is associated with age-related macular degeneration, suggesting that centrophenoxine's lipofuscin-reducing properties could potentially benefit eye health, though further research is needed to confirm this[2].
Relevant quotes:
"Clinical trials with centrophenoxine in geriatric patients with such symptoms as confusion, psychosomatic asthenia [extreme weakness], and disturbances of memory and intellectual concentration revealed marked improvement after several weeks of treatment." - WorldHealth.net[1]
"Centrophenoxine is one of the original anti-aging, neuro-energizing drugs. It has been studied and used clinically for over 30 years." - Antiaging Systems[2]
Relevant NCBI article quotes:
"Nootropics are used in acute or subacute conditions for treating memory, consciousness, and learning disorders. They are recommended for incipient brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases." - From "Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs" (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9415189/)
Functions supported or stimulated:
1. Memory enhancement[1]
2. Lipofuscin reduction[2]
3. Neuroprotection[1]
4. Cognitive function improvement[1]
5. Cellular waste removal[2]
Related benefits:
1. Improved memory consolidation[1]
2. Enhanced alertness and well-being[1]
3. Potential treatment for tardive dyskinesia[1]
4. Possible anti-aging effects[2]
5. Support for overall brain health[1]
Suggested daily human dosage ranges:
600 mg twice daily for healthy elderly individuals[5]
300 mg four times daily for individuals with memory deficits[5]
Source Information:
Centrophenoxine is not derived from a specific plant source but is synthesized by combining DMAE and PCPA.
[1] https://worldhealth.net/news/centrophenoxine-_the_neuroenergizer/
[2] https://www.antiaging-systems.com/articles/centrophenoxine-the-neuroenergizer/
[3] https://nootropicsexpert.com/performance-lab-vision-review/
[4] https://www.lifespan.io/topic/why-people-use-centrophenoxine-as-a-nootropic/
[5] https://www.alzdiscovery.org/uploads/cognitive_vitality_media/Centrophenoxine-Cognitive-Vitality-For-Researchers.pdf
[6] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9415189/
[7] https://www.antiaging-systems.com/articles/centrophenoxine-explained/
[8] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15563650.2022.2109485
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["*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.