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Methylselenocysteine Background

Methylselenocysteine is a naturally occurring selenium-containing amino acid first identified in various plant species such as garlic, onions, and broccoli [1][9].

It is a unique selenium compound that is not incorporated into proteins, making it fully available for selenium-containing enzyme synthesis [9].

Unlike other selenium compounds, methylselenocysteine was discovered to have specific chemopreventive properties, particularly in blocking cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis in cancer cell lines [1].

The compound gained significant scientific attention for its potential therapeutic applications across multiple health domains.

Methylselenocysteine Systemic Applications

Methylselenocysteine demonstrates remarkable versatility in systemic applications, particularly in cancer prevention and treatment [1][2].

Studies have shown it can selectively protect against organ-specific toxicities induced by chemotherapy drugs like cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and irinotecan [2].

The compound offers enhanced antitumor activity while reducing treatment-related toxicities, potentially improving the therapeutic index of cancer treatments [2].

Research indicates it can down-regulate multiple key tumor survival markers and enhance tumor drug delivery [6].

Methylselenocysteine for Brain and Cognition

Methylselenocysteine has shown promising neuroprotective effects, particularly in Alzheimer's disease models [7][3].

In animal studies, it reduced oxidative stress, modulated metal ion distributions, and decreased amyloid-β peptide generation [10].

Research demonstrated its ability to attenuate tau hyperphosphorylation and preserve synaptic proteins, ultimately improving spatial learning and memory deficits [10].

The compound has potential to ameliorate neuropathology by addressing oxidative stress and metal dyshomeostasis [7].

Methylselenocysteine for Eye and Vision

Selenium compounds, including methylselenocysteine, have shown potential in supporting eye health by counteracting oxidative stress [4].

Studies suggest selenium can increase selenoprotein expression, helping to mediate reactive oxygen species in ocular conditions [4].

The compound may help slow the progression of chronic eye disorders like cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy [4].

Selenium's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities potentially prevent or delay various eye diseases [4].

Relevant quotes:

"Se-methylselenocysteine is a potent chemopreventive agent that blocks cell cycle progression and proliferation of premalignant mammary lesions" [1]

Relevant NCBI article quotes:

"Se-methylselenocysteine significantly protected against organ-specific toxicity induced by lethal doses of cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan" [2]

Functions supported or stimulated:

1. Apoptosis induction

2. Antioxidant activity

3. Tumor suppression

4. Neuroprotection

5. Metal ion homeostasis

Related benefits:

1. Cancer prevention

2. Chemotherapy toxicity reduction

3. Neuroprotection

4. Eye health support

5. Oxidative stress management

Source Information:

Botanical sources: Allium species (onion, leek, garlic), Brassica species (broccoli, radish), Astragalus species [1][9]

Common names:

1. Se-methylselenocysteine

2. SeMSC

3. Methylselenocysteine













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