Viscum album

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Viscum album Background

Viscum album, commonly known as European mistletoe, is a semiparasitic perennial plant that grows on different host trees like apple, pine, oak, and elm [5][7].

The plant has a rich historical background, with ancient uses ranging from treating poisons to addressing fertility issues and constipation [5].

Scientifically classified in the Santalaceae family, Viscum album has been widely studied for its potential medicinal properties [1][3].

Its unique characteristics include rounded emerald leaves and white berry clusters, with variations existing between Western and Eastern European versions [5].

Viscum album Systemic Applications

Viscum album demonstrates remarkable versatility in systemic applications, particularly in cancer treatment and immune system support [2][5].

The plant's extracts have been extensively used in European countries for treating gynaecological and breast cancers, with researchers believing its effectiveness stems from stopping blood vessel creation in tumors [5].

Studies have shown that mistletoe extract can kill cancer cells in test animals, boost white blood cell count, and reduce chemotherapy and radiation therapy side effects [5].

Active compounds including viscotoxins, polysaccharides, and lectins contribute to its therapeutic potential [5].

Viscum album for Brain and Cognition

While direct brain-specific research is limited in the provided search results, Viscum album shows potential neuroprotective properties [3].

The plant's extracts have demonstrated ability to protect against oxidative stress and DNA damage in cellular studies [3].

Researchers have identified numerous microRNAs in Viscum album that might be involved in pharmacological activities [4].

Viscum album for Eye and Vision

Mistletoe combined with carboxymethyl cellulose eye drops have shown potential in alleviating dry eye symptoms [6].

The plant's extracts may offer protective effects against oxidative damage in ocular cells [3].

Relevant NCBI article quotes:

"Viscum album L. extracts are a widely used medicinal plant extract in gynaecological and breast-cancer treatment" - From "Viscum album L. extracts in breast and gynaecological cancers"

Functions supported or stimulated:

1. Immune system enhancement [5]

2. Cancer cell inhibition [5]

3. Oxidative stress reduction [3]

4. DNA damage protection [3]

Related benefits:

1. Cancer treatment support [5]

2. Chemotherapy side effect reduction [5]

3. Immune system boosting [5]

4. Potential dry eye symptom relief [6]

Source Information:

Botanical name: Viscum album

Common names:

1. European mistletoe

2. Mistletoe

3. Iscidor

4. Helixor

5. Isorel










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