Proanthocyanidin (Pinus pinaster)

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Proanthocyanidin (Pinus pinaster) Background

Proanthocyanidins are a class of polyphenols first discovered in 1947 by Jacques Masquelier, who developed extraction techniques from pine bark and grape seeds [5].

These oligomeric flavonoids are chemically composed of catechin and epicatechin units, forming complex polymeric structures [5].

Proanthocyanidins from Pinus pinaster (maritime pine bark) represent a specific subset of these powerful polyphenolic compounds with unique biochemical properties [1][9].

The extract is primarily composed of procyanidins, with Pycnogenol being a standardized preparation containing 70% procyanidins [9].

Proanthocyanidin (Pinus pinaster) Systemic Applications

Proanthocyanidins demonstrate remarkable versatility in systemic applications, including potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [1][2].

Studies have shown potential applications in cancer prevention, with research indicating reduced tumor development and inflammation in mouse models [2].

The compound exhibits significant free radical-scavenging activity against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species [1].

Clinical studies have reported cardiovascular benefits, including vasorelaxant activity, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, and enhanced microcirculation [1].

Proanthocyanidin (Pinus pinaster) for Brain and Cognition

Research suggests proanthocyanidins have significant potential for cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection [7][10].

A clinical trial with young university students found that 100 mg/day improved sustained attention, memory, and executive functioning [10].

The compound shows promise in reducing oxidative stress in the brain and potentially crossing the blood-brain barrier [10].

Studies indicate potential improvements in mood parameters, including increased alertness and reduced anxiety [10].

Proanthocyanidin (Pinus pinaster) for Eye and Vision

Proanthocyanidins demonstrate promising applications in eye health, particularly for glaucoma management [4][8].

A clinical trial found that a combination of bilberry and maritime pine bark extract reduced eye pressure by an average of 3 mmHg in 19 out of 20 subjects [4].

The compound has shown potential in reducing intraocular pressure and improving visual function [8].

Research suggests it may enhance ocular blood flow and provide neuroprotective effects for the optic nerve [4].

Relevant quotes:

"Proanthocyanidins are a class of polyphenols found in many plants, such as cranberry, blueberry, and grape seeds" [5]

Relevant NCBI article quotes:

"The antioxidative properties of PYC make it particularly novel in reducing oxidative stress in the brain" [10]

Functions supported or stimulated:

1. Antioxidant activity

2. Free radical scavenging

3. Anti-inflammatory response

4. Cognitive enhancement

5. Ocular blood flow improvement

Related benefits:

1. Potential cancer prevention

2. Cardiovascular support

3. Cognitive function improvement

4. Eye health maintenance

5. Stress reduction

Suggested daily human dosage ranges:

100-150 mg per day [10]

Source Information:

Botanical name: Pinus pinaster

Common names:

1. Maritime pine bark

2. French maritime pine bark

3. Pycnogenol (standardized extract)
















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