Polysaccharides (Aloe barbadensis) Background
Polysaccharides from Aloe barbadensis Miller represent a complex group of bioactive compounds extracted from the succulent plant's gel .
The Carrington Laboratory first named the acetylated mannan extracted from this species as "acemannan (AC)", a highly acetylated mannan produced by specialized white matter cells .
These polysaccharides are linked by β-(1,4) glycosidic bonds and have undergone extensive extraction and purification processes for experimental and clinical research .
Aloe barbadensis contains over 300 varieties, with this specific species holding the highest economic and medicinal value .
Polysaccharides (Aloe barbadensis) Systemic Applications
Polysaccharides from Aloe barbadensis demonstrate remarkable versatility in systemic applications, including potential treatments for oral diseases, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular conditions, and tumors .
These compounds have been attributed with promoting wound healing, exhibiting antifungal activity, providing hypoglycemic effects, and offering anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties .
Studies have shown their potential to enhance intestinal absorption and bioavailability of co-administered compounds .
The polysaccharides can potentially protect against vitamin degradation in the intestinal tract and slow absorption rates .
Polysaccharides (Aloe barbadensis) for Brain and Cognition
Acemannan, the primary bioactive polysaccharide, has demonstrated neuroprotective, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant properties .
Research indicates it can improve cognitive performance in middle-aged patients suffering from mental fatigue .
A study on diabetic rats showed Aloe vera gel could positively influence nerve growth factor expression in the hippocampus .
The compounds exhibit potential for protecting the brain from neuronal damage through regulation of oxidative stress mechanisms .
Polysaccharides (Aloe barbadensis) for Eye and Vision
Aloe vera polysaccharides offer multiple benefits for eye health, including relief for dry eyes, eye irritation, and potential support in managing conjunctivitis .
The compounds contain vitamins A, C, and E, carotenoids, and minerals like zinc that support eye function .
Research suggests potential benefits in addressing eye issues such as cataracts by protecting against oxidative damage .
The gel's hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties can provide relief for various eye-related concerns .
Relevant quotes:
"Acemannan is a highly acetylated mannan with potential to treat various diseases"
Relevant NCBI article quotes:
"Acemannan, the main bioactive polysaccharide of Aloe vera, is a neuroprotective immunomodulator and antioxidant"
Functions supported or stimulated:
1. Wound healing
2. Immune system modulation
3. Antioxidant activity
4. Intestinal absorption enhancement
5. Neuroprotection
Related benefits:
1. Improved cognitive function
2. Eye health support
3. Wound healing
4. Metabolic regulation
5. Anti-inflammatory response
Source Information:
Botanical name: Aloe barbadensis Miller
Common names:
1. Medicinal Aloe
2. True Aloe
3. Barbados Aloe
[1] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6245421/
[2] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10385217/
[3] https://www.scielo.cl/pdf/ijmorphol/v39n2/0717-9502-ijmorphol-39-02-577.pdf
[4] https://glimmergoddess.com/en-gb/blogs/news/the-magic-of-aloe-vera-boosting-eye-health-naturally
[5] https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=66824
[6] https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/mmr.2018.9319
[7] https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8848587/
[8] https://www.fincacanarias.com/en/blog/news/how-aloe-vera-can-help-maintain-eye-health
[9] https://academic.oup.com/jaoac/article-abstract/101/6/1711/5654111
[10] https://brieflands.com/articles/zjrms-102483
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["*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.