Learn how you can use NES voice scanning technology in our Wellness Whispering Masterclass.
Create a NES account through this link:
How to Do a Voice Scan:
In our Wellness Whispering MasterClass, you will learn how to read and implement your NES Scan.
You'll learn how to use information medicine Infoceuticals to optimize your body-field so you can access your optimum epigenetics of health:
Feel Good Infoceuticals (can be used based on symptoms, without requiring a scan)
Basic Infoceuticals (can be used during the first few months of Accelerated Self Healing™)
Advanced Infoceuticals (can be used after completing the first few months of your ASH™ program)
Learn how to apply other natural remedies like our Functional Formulations™ based on:
In addition to the NES body field resonance testing system to which you will have lifetime access, you'll also learn about additional systems for guiding your Accelerated Self Healing™ process based on resonance biocommunication with your own body-mind-spirit without having to leave your home or office:
Our proprietary Biofield Analysis™ based on the Clinical Theory™ of Everything (on the Zyto Elite platform - requires a Zyto Hand Cradle, and internet connection on a Windows 7, 8 or 10 PC computer)
Remote Biofield Analysis™ (non-local surrogate testing developed over the past 40 years by Dr. Glen Swartwout)
CoRe Inergetix (non-local instrument-based testing)
To access any of these systems, apply for our coaching and consulting program here, so we can add your essential information to our database:
last chance to access this product for the best price
["*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.