Bottom Line: Liver, Detoxification and Transformation
This is a complex driver and that’s because the liver is a complex organ. It’s the largest organ in the body, and in terms of the number of functions it carries out, it is the busiest. The liver is often likened to a chemical factory because it filters, processes and transforms all the chemicals in the body. The Chinese Medicine view of the liver is as a commander that oversees the smooth flow of energy and blood, responsible not just for the transformation of substance, but also of thought and feeling. The liver driver energy field is generated by the liver cells and the hundreds of different functions they carry out. It also has close connections with the pancreas, spleen, the mitochondria (the liver uses lots of energy) and the eyes.
The liver is richly supplied with blood, receiving blood from the digestive tract via the portal vein and from the rest of the body via the heart and the hepatic artery. Within three minutes, your entire blood circulation has passed through the liver to be filtered, checked and transformed. When we think of the liver, most of us think first of detoxification. The transformation of toxic substances into less harmful forms that can be more easily excreted is certainly one of the liver’s most vital functions and we soon feel pretty sick when the liver is not managing this process very well. But the liver has many other vital functions too including hormonal balance, blood sugar regulation, digestion and appetite control, fighting infection, cleansing the blood, pH regulation, blood clotting and heat generation.
The liver produces many different enzymes that are needed for detoxification and other important functions. It transforms vitamins and minerals into forms that can be more readily utilized by the cells. It removes old hormones from your system, as well as making some important ones of its own. It makes bile (which is important for fat digestion and also the route through which some toxins will leave the liver and enter into the digestive tract for elimination in the stool), and it makes cholesterol (needed for cell membranes, stress and sex hormones, and vitamin D). The liver also makes various blood proteins, which have a role in immune function and in keeping the blood within the blood vessels (when the liver is struggling to make adequate protein, blood plasma can seep into the tissues causing puffiness and fluid retention). It keeps a store of fuel (glucagon) that it will transform back into sugar and release into the bloodstream when blood sugar levels are low, and it can also make sugar from protein and fat to meet the body’s energy needs. Excess calories are converted into fat in the liver and then shunted off to the fat cells for storage. The liver keeps a store of nutrients, like vitamins A, D and B12 and the mineral iron (in its stored form of ferritin). Certain cells in the liver, called Kupffer cells, have a specific role in destroying bacteria, viruses, parasites and other microbes, as well as breaking down old blood cells (which are efficiently recycled as a component of bile).
So your liver is responsible for transforming pretty much everything in the body, keeping your entire metabolism (the sum of everything your body does) running smoothly and a priority may connect to any number of issues. The liver is a very resilient organ and doesn’t always reveal that it is struggling. Some of the tell-tale signs of a stressed liver include fatigue, sensitivity to chemicals, reduced tolerance to alcohol; nausea, headaches, digestive issues, fluid retention, skin itchiness and rashes. It is worth bearing in mind the structure of the liver in terms of its function. It is a very fluid and watery organ, full of blood, its shape partly determined by the organs and structures that surround it. In this way we can perhaps understand the Chinese Medicine concept of how a healthy liver helps to keeps the circulation of blood and energy flowing smoothly. A liver congested with toxins or fat is not going to manage this so well.
By keeping the blood, energy and emotions in a state of flow, the liver brings harmony to mind, body and spirit. Liver stress may be the reason that you find it hard to relax, or for holding tension or stiffness in your body. On the emotional level, a “stagnant”, congested or overwhelmed liver will typically manifest in feelings of irritability, frustration or anger, which are the emotions associated with the liver. Depression is also associated with blocked liver energy, especially when depression is accompanied by feelings of anger or resentment (which may be suppressed). In Chinese Medicine the liver as seen the source of creativity and planning, driving the decision-making and creative process that allows us to transform our lives in the way we wish.
Issues: Our exposure to environmental toxins has increased considerably over the last few decades. Between 1930 and 2000 global production increased from 1 million to 400 million tonnes each year and there are now some 84,000 man-made chemicals in our environment. That’s a lot more detoxification for a liver to deal with. A single toxic exposure may be a trigger for health problems but, often as not, it is the accumulative effect of toxins that build-up in the system that slowly begins to overwhelm the ability to clear them. The liver is also particularly sensitive to electromagnetic fields, which can disturb electron exchange and the ability of the liver to make enzymes and transform substances.
Liver detoxification is a precisely managed process with different substances being cleared along different pathways, with specific enzymes and nutrients required for each. Most toxins are transformed in two phases and often the first phase transformation creates a chemical that becomes toxic than in its original form. Alcohol for example becomes acetaldehyde, a nasty chemical in dry-cleaning fluid, before it is transformed again into a chemical that can be safely removed from the body. Liver detoxification also produces harmful free radicals, which can damage the liver cells if not adequately counteracted with liver antioxidants (think reduce your exposure to toxins and increase your exposure to healthy, colourful foods).
LIVER DRIVER INFOCEUTICAL: The Liver Driver Infoceutical helps to energise the liver and all its many functions. Think of this infoceutical as powering transformation and easing movement in its broadest sense. It helps to promote detoxification, energy production and hormonal balance. It can also help to clear emotional stress, especially feelings of frustration, anger or depression. By helping to energise the liver and clear stagnation it can help creative energy to flow.
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["*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.