The primary focus for Energetic Integrator 3 is the small intestine and the digestion and absorption of nutrients; the skin (both external and the internal skin that lines the entrances to the body); and calcium metabolism and bones. The Infoceutical helps to optimise energy flow along this pathway and to all the components that are contained within it, helping to clear and correct any energy blocks and incoherent messages along the way.
Energetic Links - Keynotes
Small intestine and meridian
Mucous membranes of the gut, nose, throat, lungs, etc.
Calcium metabolism and bones
Emotions: Concentration/Confusion; clarity of thought. Short-term memory. Sorrow and Joy
Small Intestine. The small intestine receives the partially digested food from the stomach and breaks it down further before absorbing it and taking it into the body. The process of digestion and absorption is complex. A series of digestive enzymes are required and each food molecule needs to be identified and absorbed in a specific way. Inefficient digestion is a trigger for digestive issues, including food intolerances, and may be a trigger for inflammation in the digestive tract and beyond. The villi and the ileum tunica serosa (a layer of skin in the small intestine) may become damaged and inflamed and increase the permeability of the digestive tract, allowing larger food molecules and potential toxins to filter through (a “leaky gut”). The small intestine may be damaged by microbes such as Candida, as well as toxins and pollutants within the food chain.
Small Intestine Meridian. The small intestine meridian begins at the tip of the little finger, crosses the wrist and travels up the outside of the arm through the elbow to the shoulder blade. It continues up into the base of the neck, where one branch continues downwards through the heart, along through the oesophagus to the small intestine, and another continues upwards into the cheek, eyes and ears. Problems in the arm, elbow or neck, or hearing issues such as tinnitus could be linked with a priority within EI3. The thyroid capsule is contained here, suggesting a potential link with thyroid and small intestine issues (which we see with autoimmunity for example).
Mucous Membranes. The mucous membranes are a protective layer of skin that line the entrances to the body, including the digestive tract, lungs and throat.
Bones and Calcium. This Integrator affects bone through its influence on the parathyroid gland and calcium metabolism. The parathyroid gland works with the thyroid to control calcium absorption and calcium blood levels. All the vertebrae of the spine are within this Integrator too. Calcium is involved in nerve signalling, muscle contraction, hormone release and the movement of substances into and out of the cells, as well the formation of teeth and bones.
Emotion. This Integrator represents our ability to digest life and to absorb the goodness from it. It also represents our mental capacity for assimilating ideas and processing thoughts. When this Integrator is not flowing well we may experience poor concentration, indecisiveness, difficulty in holding a train of thought and forgetfulness. There is a link here with learning difficulties in childhood. There is also an association with feeling “fed-up” or having had “our fill” of a situation. Conversely, when this Integrator is flowing well, we can feel energised and excited (that anticipatory happy buzz in the guts feeling).
Hormones: parathyroid gland and parathyroid hormone.
Elements: hydrogen, vanadium, calcium, carbon.
Damaged by: organophosphates, candida, intestinal bacteria.
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