The primary focus for Energetic Integrator 1 is the nervous system and the large intestine meridian and its associations.
This has the lowest vibrational frequency of the Integrators, within the range of subsonic sound.
The Infoceutical helps to optimize energy flow along this pathway and to all the components that are contained within it, helping to clear and correct any energy blocks and incoherent messages along the way.
Energetic Links:
Nervous system
Cranial nerves and sensory receptors
Large intestine function and mineral absorption
Ears, Nose, Throat
Bronchi and Skin
holding on/letting go
Large Intestine
The large intestine clears away the body’s waste and reabsorbs water and valuable nutrients, including vitamin K, biotin and the electrolyte minerals, sodium, potassium, and chloride. There is a close link with the Lung Integrator. The expansion and contraction of the powerful diaphragm muscle during breathing help to trigger movement in the large intestine. Constipation can be alleviated through breathing exercises and, conversely, asthma and congested lungs may be helped by cleansing the bowel.
Large Intestine Meridian.
The large intestine meridian begins at the index finger and passes through the wrist and up the outer edge of the arm to cross into the shoulder blade. From here it descends to connect first with the lungs and the bronchi and then the large intestine. At the shoulder another branch continues upwards, ending at a point on either side of the nostrils. Congestion or inflammation in the sinuses or ear, nose, and throat, as well as in the bowel may be issues here. The dermis (our outer layer of skin) is also in this Integrator. Pale skin, especially whiteness under the eyes may be a sign of poor flowing energy here.
Nervous System.
In this Integrator, we find the autonomic nervous system, the spinal nerves to all the organs, the peripheral nerves, the cranial nerves, and the thalamus and the frontal lobes of the brain. This has quite a broad range of influence of course. The autonomic nervous system controls breathing, digestion, and the nervous stimulus to all your organs. The vasomotor nerves affect the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels. The cranial nerves come directly from the brain and are involved in your sense of smell, taste, hearing, seeing, and feeling, as well as enervating the muscles within the face and neck. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve, extending all the way down to your abdomen. It controls your parasympathetic “rest and digest” response. Consider the structure of the spine in this Integrator or the energy flow to the peripheral nerves in your hands or feet. Integrator 1 has the lowest vibrational frequency of the Integrators, within the subsonic range (just below the range of human hearing), and includes the energetic field generated by certain aspects of your nervous system.
The large intestine represents our ability to hold on and to let go. Just as the colon sifts through the dregs to pick out the valuable nutrients they contain, excreting the rest, so we want to find the value in our experiences and let go of those that no longer serve us. Sometimes the hardest thing to let go of is our grief. When things become messy in life, it can be hard to see the goodness that’s around us. We may feel like throwing it all away, the good with the bad, not finding anything worthwhile to hold on to at all. Our sense of self-worth, how we value ourselves and our experiences, and how fulfilled, or not, we feel, are linked with this Integrator. When it is blocked we may find ourselves judging life experiences in a negative light and holding on to polluting beliefs and feelings.
Damaged by:
Butanols (car fuels).
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["*The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.